Please join us on Sunday December 17 at 2pm on Zoom for our Annual General Meeting.
The meeting will be followed by an online family friendly event of gingerbread house making!
For the Gingerbread house event, the kit containing almost all the supplies will be mailed to you (similar to our online Pinot and Picasso events), so all you need to do is jump online as we make the gingerbread houses step by step! You'll need to purchase the lollies and chocolates you'd like to use for decorating (as no one likes getting melted chocolates in the mail!)
You’ll have to be quick as registrations for the gingerbread house making close on Friday December 1 to ensure there’s enough time for the kits to be sent. Registrations to attend only the AGM will close on Thursday December 14.
Register at for the AGM, gingerbread house making or both!
If you're interested in joining the Management Committee, you'll need to complete the Nomination and Declaration forms found below. These need to be returned by email to the Secretary at by 5pm, Friday December 8.
The meeting will be held online via Zoom.
See below for event details and all relevant documentation. Click here to submit your RSVP.
Committee Member Declaration Form Auslan Translation
PODC 2022-2023 Annual Report (including audited financials)
2023 AGM Agenda